Al Benaa Real Estate Investment- PJSC

Al Benaa Real Estate Investment Co. (PJSC) is an Abu Dhabi-based company, established in 2006 and owned 100% by UAE National Investors, who are prominent for being leading business leaders in the UAE.
Reporting Year:

Al Benaa Real Estate


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  2023 2022

Total revenue generated (Million AED)


Total spending on local suppliers (Million AED)


Total spending on research, development and innovation (Million AED)


Net profit before tax (Million AED)


Total energy consumed from renewable sources (MWh)


Total energy used (MWh)


Total scope 1 and scope 2 emissions (Tonnes)


Total waste produced (kg)


Employee turnover rate (%)


Nationalisation rate (%)


Number of Emiratis


Number of Emiratis in age group 18-25


Number of women in the workforce


Percentage of women in the workforce (%) What is the percentage of women in the workforce?


Total amount spent on community/CSR programs (Million AED)


Total recordable injury rate (employees and contractors)


Total workforce (FTE)


Does the board have a governance committee? (Yes/No)


Does the board have a risk committee? (Yes/No)


Does the board have an audit committee? (Yes/No)


Does the organisation have a code of governance? (Yes/No)


Does your company communicate its sustainability performance publicly? (Yes/No)


Female directors on the board (%)


Independent directors on the board (%)